Leading Speckle Park Genetics

History of Rose Hill Speckle Park Stud

Rose Hill Speckle Park Stud produces quality Speckle Park Bulls, Females and Genetics for sale both to the stud breeder and premium beef producer. Located near Rylstone in the Central Tablelands of NSW cattle are raised in commercial conditions to ensure that they are fit for purpose in all settings.

After securing leading Speckle Park Genetics in both Australia and through three trips to Canada the Rose Hill herd is truly world class. Influential acquisitions include the purchase of Underhill All Out and the co-purchase of PAR Dazzling with MX Ranch. Rose Hills   international focus continues with an extensive elite female flushing program to outstanding Canadian and Australian bulls.

Rose Hill Speckle ParkRose Hill Speckle Park - Rose Hill Secret's Out

Why Speckle Park?

Rose Hills purpose is to produce seedstock for the premium beef producer including all the advantages of Speckle Park with genetic selections made to remove any potential disadvantages of the Speckle Park Breed. After breeding other cattle Rose Hill chose Speckle Park due to their ability to produce and finish a marbled, high yielding quality carcass that is tender and tastes fantastic at an age of 14 months. The ability of the Speckle Park to produce this carcass at a younger age also means a smaller carbon footprint. As consumer behaviours change towards sustainable eco-friendly beef Speckle Park is a breed that ticks all the boxes. Right now less inputs means more profit for commercial producers and this just makes commercial sense.

The recent drought tested Rose Hills breeding stock with low performing animals removed from the herd. During this time it was observed that the Speckles often held their condition better than other commercial cattle and went in back calf earlier. Although the drought posed many challenges the herd continued to grow through natural increases as well as via the use of ET programs. 

The added pressure on the cattle means that the herd now consists of only strong performers.

Rose Hill has seen success in the show ring from the commencement of the Speckle Park Stud breeding program and it started at Sydney Royal with Silver and Bronze Medals. The 14 month old 400-450kg steers showed class leading performance in marbling with perfect external fat figures. Sydney Royal 2019 was the pinnacle of a successful show season with Rose Hill Secret Rendezvous M20 being awarded Grand Champion Speckle Park female with Rose Hill Sophia M36 Reserve Senior Champion female and Rose Hill Montagu M39 Reserve Champion Senior Bull.

Rose Hill has Stud Speckle Park bulls and Females for sale as well as  Speckle Park Genetics for sale at the Annual Scone Speckle Park Sale, the Speckles in the Capital Sale in Yass and on property throughout the year. Rose Hill also presents an Open Day on the last Saturday of August each year where a limited number of cattle are also available for the astute buyer.Herd tours are welcome any time by appointment.

About Alex & Natalie

Alex began his working career as a plumber however after a few years on the tools returned to his true passion of farming. Alex paid his dues and rose through the ranks from stockman to Farm Manager learning as he went and honing his stock handling and breeding skills. Alex currently manages a large sheep and beef cattle operation as well as running Rose Hill Speckle Park Stud with Natalie. Alex is currently serving on the Board of Speckle Park International as Chairman.

While Alex has a firm practical base built over 30+ years on the land, Natalie came to the land through a love of animals large and small and studying Agriculture at university. Although living on the outskirts of Sydney, Natalie bred and showed ponies and dabbled with livestock. Natalie started her own AI business, “No Bull Artificial Insemination”, AIing the cows of market gardeners and hobby farmers. When Natalie is not working with Speckles she is a Teaching Principal at a Primary School.

While Alex and Natalie come from different backgrounds, their skill sets complement each other to form a strong and workable partnership. As breeders of Speckle Park in Australia for over 10 years, Alex and Natalie have a wealth of experience in navigating through Speckle Park genetics, the show ring and the running of Speckle Park sales. Natalie and Alex are always happy to share what they can with the Speckle Park community to further the breed and build strong relationships.

Rose Hill Speckle Park - Alex and Natalie
Rose Hill Speckle Park - Alex and Miss B

Rose Hill Speckle Park Stud Values


How we conduct ourselves is of great importance to us. We strive to uphold every aspect of our work in Speckle Park with honesty, character and integrity. We are here for the long haul and because of this accountability is important.

Trust Worthy

We value our clients and want them to become repeat purchasers. We are our own harshest critics and give honest accounts of what we sell. We acknowledge that we have a duty to others, and a responsibility to do what’s right.


Community Focus

To quote Winston Churchill, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” We believe that we are in the fortunate position to pass on what we have learned and enjoy being a part of projects, such as the ‘Speckles in the Capital’ sale, to advance Speckle Park for everyone.

Find out how Rose Hill Speckle Park Stud is delivering on its vision to create world class leading Speckle Park Genetics